The Amoha Hotel offers to all guests a series of useful services for those who want a relaxing holiday and at the same time accurate and fun. At the entrance of the Hotel there is a lobby with the elevator to all the floors. The parking is private for all guests who arrive by car to the Catholic. Among the common areas include a TV room to watch the games or relax with their favorite program, a dining room with air conditioning to combat the hot summer days. In all environments, including the rooms, the wi-fi is free of charge.
The Amoha Hotel is a Hotel dedicated to families and those who love to spend some vacation time with their children in all serenity. In the Hotel you will find aplayground dedicated to children, who can have fun freely among themselves or with mom and dad. The games for children are much appreciated by our youngest guests and not only, ideal to entertain the children, but also to help relax the parents and to enjoy their few hours of rest and well deserved relaxation.
To prevent any problem, the Amoha Hotel has thought of everything to make your stay pleasant and relaxing for both children, but also and especially for the parents, with unique services. The Amoha Hotel accepts all credit cards, has a convenient internet point and a bar where you can enjoy cappuccinos and coffee drinks and fruit juice in peace and quiet! In the hotel pets are allowed, for the happiness of the guests that have four legged friends that want to bring on holiday with them.